Flooring Blog

Swiffer your hardwood flooring in San Diego, CA from Geneva Flooring

How Do I Clean My Hardwood Floors?

Most hardwood purchased in the last 30 years has an aluminum oxide finish that will not ?come off? and is very low maintenance.? For that I recommend the dry Swiffer- you change the dryer sheet-like slip on the bottom and easily pick up daily...

What Flooring Last Longest?

What Flooring Last Longest?

Hardwood CAN.? There are exceptions!? If you get a naturally colored, smooth hardwood floor with enough wear layer for refinishing, then hardwood can last the longest.? Comparatively, it is only $4.50sf to refinish this kind of floor, and a...

Fumed/Smoked/Carbonized/Caramelized/Cooked/Thermal Treated

Fumed/Smoked/Carbonized/Caramelized/Cooked/Thermal Treated

This process of heating the wood to above 320 degrees in a low oxygen environment makes physical and chemical changes in the wood?s cellular structure.? The boards are darker in color and there is a lot of color variation- much more than a...

Example of WPC; US Floors


Luxury Vinyl Tiles (stone styles) and Luxury Vinyl Planks (Wood styles) are taking over the Flooring industry because of their durability, price point, and realism.? They have taken a huge share of the carpet market because for a little more...

Hardwood Color Changes

Wood changing color: Warming up OR wearing out??

Wood floors change colors for two reasons: breaking down in the sun or natural ?patina? color change.? There is no UV protectant in the finish that will truly protect your floor from the sun over time- though some companies try.? Inevitably...

Are your Vinyl Floors Scratching?

Are your Vinyl Floors Scratching?

After a couple years on the market and feedback from clients and PKs (Product knowledge) from my reps (finally), I am learning new things about LYP (Luxury Vinyl Planking). We all thought that luxury vinyl was as dent and scratch resistant...

Flooring installation from Geneva Flooring in San Diego, CA

Flooring installation in the rain

It is dumping in San Diego today!? That never happens!? It is usually ideal conditions for install.? But it is important to treat extreme conditions appropriately.? It is the responsibility of the installation crew to not install when it is...

Plywood vs Concrete Subfloor under your hardwood

Plywood vs Concrete Subfloor under your hardwood

No matter what your substrate, we are going to make sure your floor is within spec before we install a hard surface flooring. That is 3/16? in 10 feet allowance per the National Wood Flooring Association?s guidelines. If you have a concrete...

Post-consumer carpet must be separated, shredded, and baled.

Recycle Carpet

California WANTS to be able to recycle carpet, but it having a hard time getting the infrastructure in place to do so. We used to have a plant here in San Diego, but it closed in 2016. So now there is no place to take your used carpet to be...

Baseboards from Geneva Flooring in San Diego, CA

What baseboards should I get?

90% of people go with what the industry calls 711.? It has a simple scroll, it is a nice frame, but not overly ornate as to collect dust.?? The minimum height we order to get a thick enough base to cover the gap for hard surface flooring is...